Quadbase / Products / Dashboards / EspressDashboard Description / Ad-Hoc Query & Reporting


Ad-Hoc Query & Reporting

EspressDashboard (EDAB) provides several ad hoc reporting and query features that allow users to create a wide range of queries and reports through a zero-client browser interface called the QuickDesigner. This interface allows users to make simple reports for the dashboards and offers an alternative way to make charts.

Unlike some other tools, EDAB provides a simple query interface that is geared towards business users, not high-level analysts. With these tools users can create queries, build reports and charts from any data source, and publish the results without any training.

The data view interface shields users from database complexity by allowing administrators to pre-define tables, joins, fields, and even filters creating in effect a local schema. End-users can then select (typically aliased) fields and perform ordering, sorting, filtering, and aggregation without any knowledge of the underlying database structures.

The QuickDesigner component is a zero-client browser-based ad hoc reporting and query tool that allows users to query data views and quickly turn the results into a finished report. The QuickDesigner can run reports on any data source in the Organizer and offers users a simple point and click interface to build queries.

Users can arrange, sort, and perform dynamic filtering on the data. Once users finish creating a query, the QuickDesigner provides formatting options that allow the query to be turned into a polished report.

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