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Centralized Management

 EspressReport ES provides a central server-side repository that allows collaborative report development, and management within organizations.  The Organizer interface allows report developers and administrators to create, modify, and secure queries, reports, and charts.

The Organizer can be launched as an application on the client, or directly from the server via a Web browser.  It serves both as a central report repository, as well as a platform for developing reports and charts.  Report developers can launch the Report Designer and the Chart Designer from the Organizer.

The Report Designer is a graphical user interface, launched within the Organizer that allows users to create and customize reports.  The simple drop and drag style interface and extensive editing/formatting capabilities, makes report design quick and easy.

 The Chart Designer is a graphical use interface that allows users to design and customize charts either stand-alone or within reports.  It allows users to generate a wide variety of charts based on data from data files or from database queries.  Its point and click interface enables the swift and easy creation of charts with an almost infinite degree of flexibility.

In addition, within the Organizer, Administrators can setup data sources and database connections for report developers. Privileges and security are also administered through the Organizer, allowing folders, reports, and data to be secured.


Many Publishing Options

Reports and charts in ERES can be quickly published to Web environments in a number of ways.  EspressReport ES provides a reporting portal for end users.

This customizable HTML interface called the "Menu Page" allows users to run reports in a variety of formats. In addition, users can view reports generated by schedule jobs, or run archived/versioned reports.  Any reports in the central repository are automatically published to the portal, and security roles are enforced throughout.

Reports can be viewed using the interactive DHTML viewer.  This thin client interface allows users to dynamically filter, sort, and group data in the report using a small toolbar at the top of the report.

In addition, reports in the repository can be run via HTTP URL calls.  Users can request a report directly, specify the desired output format, and the report will be streamed directly back to the client.

For more advanced publishing and integration, EspressReport ES provides an extensive Java API that allows reports to be integrated within Web applications.  Using simple deployment code users can easily create custom portals and presentations as part of their applications.