Quadbase / Products / Dashboards / EspressDashboard Description / Self-Service Dashboards


Self-Service Dashboards

EspressDashboard is a web-based enterprise business intelligence (BI) dashboard publishing system.  It makes it easy for you to create compelling dashboard presentations.  Using any of the charts, reports, and maps deployed in the system, users can easily put together key pieces of pertinent information into an easy to read, custom, dashboard briefing.

The dashboard presentation takes all the selected reports, charts, and maps and displays them in a single page, giving users a quick snapshot of the data that is most important to them.  Common filters can be applied to all dashboard elements, allowing users to quickly "dial-in" to specific ranges of data.  Drill-down can be added to any of the dashboard items, allowing users to quickly drill into important figures for more detailed information.

Unlike many other dashboard solutions, dashboards in EspressDashboard can be created and deployed without any administrative or development overhead.  The integrated Dashboard Builder interface, provides all the tools users need to create custom dashboards in a simple thin-client, point and click environment.  Completed dashboards can be quickly published and shared with other users.

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