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Features and Release Notes

Version 7.0.2

  1. Implemented Java Web Start technology to EspressChart deployed in Tomcat
  2. Implemented Java Web Start technology to launch EspressChart API Examples deployed in Tomcat


Version 6.6

General improvements

  1. Bug fixes and performance improvements - hundreds of bug from customers supports. Many of them are not included in lates V6.3 update, because their integration required deep code rewriting. Our software runs much faster and better than ever before.
  2. Java 7 and Windows 7 support.

Chart features

  1. Time Based Zooming for HiLo and HLCO Charts - Users can select an aggregate data range to more efficiently analyze large amounts of data.
  2. Top N and Bottom N Options - allow users to get a quick overview of key performance metrics.
  3. Smooth Trend Lines - present a more accurate picture of the trend.
  4. More Configuration Options for Gradients - gives users complete control of gradient options for each part of a chart.
  5. Insert Vertical Line with Today as Value on Gantt Charts - lets users clearly label a point in time to show the progress of projects.
  6. Improved Transposition UI - for charts allows users to intuitively transpose charts visually, without the need to understand the underlying structure.

Version 6.3

Chart features

  1. Excel Datasource - Extract data from Excel spreadsheets directly using the new Excel datasource feature in the data registry. Excel 2007 and 2010 are supported.
  2. Chart Color Sets - New color sets are available to make your charts look better than ever. Choosing a color set means new data that did not have a color mapped will always use colors from the set rather than choosing a random color.
  3. PAC Files - The new PAC feature will combine all charts and their drill-downs into a single file for greater transportability and easier backups.
  4. Auto Adjust 3D Charts - Charts are automatically adjusted for scale and position to create a much better appearance when using the Chart Designer.
  5. Chart Designer Bounding Box - A convenient new bounding box has been added in the Chart Designer to help scale charts without using the right mouse button.
  6. Improved Sorting in Charts - When users choose to sort the data in the Chart Designer, the sort order will be applied to dynamic data as well.
  7. Chart Designer Dialog Enhancements - Several dialogs, such as Insert Link, Trendline, Control Area, etc., were updated to provide an easier to use interface.
  8. Single Color Column/Bar Chart - Column/Bar charts without series are drawn with single color by default.

Version 6.2

New features

  1. Animated Flash Charts - Take data visualization to a new level by utilizing the sleek and stylish flash option for charts. Create impressive presentations by incorporating animation in all 2D and 3D chart types. All the while maintaining a rich set of features such as mouse over hints, drilldowns, and hyperlinks.
  2. 2D and 3D Doughnut Charts - Highly customizable doughnut charts are here. Configure the data order, labels, exploding sectors, sector gaps, and more, as well as position, scale and rotate 3D doughnuts in true 3D.
  3. Improved 3D Curve Surface Rendering - The new rendering algorithm delivers smooth color gradients and realistic light shading making it the best looking 3D Pie and Doughnut charts to date.
  4. Internationalized by Default - Make internationalization a core feature rather than an after thought. With version 6.2, the entire EspressChart system will by default support all international characters using UTF-8 encoding. This includes all XML files used, all export formats, all filenames, all text data, all parameters, and more.
  5. Windows 7 Support - Fully tested and ready to go on the Windows 7 Operating System.
  6. Custom Date Formats - Parameters mapped to columns and data view conditions are traditionally displayed in the raw database format making it difficult to read and choose from. The new feature allows users to build a custom date format using the new format builder. As such, all future parameter prompts and dataview conditions for date and time fields will be displayed using this format.
  7. No Data Message in Charts - A convenient new option has been added to give designers a way to set the no data message in the chart designer.
  8. Cut Corners - A new "cut corners" style as been added to chart legends and annotations. The legends can be modified in the chart designer as well as API and the annotations can be set via API only.
  9. Symbol Border Color - Users can now select a data point symbol border color in the chart designer.
  10. Finer Gradient Control - Users can now specify to display gradients for chart data only. For example, draw the bars in a bar chart with gradient but leave background gradient turned off.

Version 6.1

New features

  1. Multilevel Undo & Redo - Now, it is even easier to design charts.  New multilevel undo and redo in Chart Designer gives users the freedom to try different layout and styles without losing the previous settings.
  2. New Gauge Templates - A new set of circular, semicircular, and quarter circular gauges featuring realistic metalic covers in different shades and curvatures is now available.
  3. Flexible Translucency Setting - A new sliding scale gives designers added precision to creating elegant semi-transparent charts.
  4. Aggregated Charts - Rather than having to modify the database query for aggregation, this handy feature will perform a specified aggregation on the data before plotting the chart.
  5. Improved Gradient Controls - A new set of gradient options is available for all chart types.  Designers can now control the direction as well as the start and end locations for the gradient.  They can also fine tune the gradient range by specifying a start color and either an entirely different end color or a different shade of the same color.
  6. New Chart Label & Ticker Options - Even with label step intervals, large sets of data could clutter the x-axis with labels and tickers.  Now designers can specify a maximum number of labels and tickers so that no matter what range their end users set, the chart will always look perfect.
  7. New Dial & Gauge Chart Pointer Options - Four new pointer options (Pointed Blade, Round Headed Blade, Triangular Pointer, and Step Pointer) add elegant options to any dial and gauge chart.
  8. Stack Bar & Stack Column Chart Enhancement - New option allows users to enable or disable padding for a better looking chart.
  9. Crisp HLCO & Candle Stick Charts - New option is available to add a border to HLCO and Candle Stick Charts for a crisp clean look.

Version 6.0

New features

  1. Forward Compatibility - Starting in version 5.5, files created in later version can be opened in previous version.  So now users can share v6.0 reports with their colleagues who are still using v5.5.  Note that newer features will not be available in earlier versions.
  2. SalesForce® and WSDL SOAP - The new version includes two new SOAP datasource implementations to support WSDL Standards and the SalesForce® SOAP format.
  3. Multiple Databases in MS SQL Server® - Create a single query or dataview that retrieves data from multiple Microsoft SQL Server® databases on the same server.
  4. Chart Gauges - EspressChart provides dozens of gauge templates of various styles for the dial chart.  Users can even create their own gauge template and add it to the designer options.
  5. Pie Chart Text Placement - New algorithm is included to improve pie chart text placement to minimize overlap and enhance readability.
  6. 3D Add On Charts (API Only) - Now users can display 3D charts on top of another 3D chart.
  7. Legend Enhancement for Line Charts (API Only) - A new method allows users to show the line within the legend icons.
  8. Scatter Chart Point Size (API Only) - A new method allows users to change the size of scatter chart point size to as small as a single pixel.

Version 5.4

New features

  1. SOAP Data Source - EspressChart v5.4 supports data sources using Service Oriented Architecture Protocol.
  2. Date Variables for Parameter Values - Date parameter values can now be filled using a powerful date calculator.  The feature makes it easy for users to select a specific date in the past.
  3. Map Parameter Values to Functions - Users can now map parameter values to database function results.  The parameter dialogs can now prompt for substring, datediff, stdev, and more in the parameter value selection box.
  4. Change Symbol Size in Custom Legend - The symbol size is now automatically resized along with the custom legend text.
  5. Charts with Gradients - Apply color gradients to add a refreshing look to charts.
  6. 3D Shading for 2D Charts - Add depth to two dimensional charts with the new shading feature.
  7. Links in Chart Legend - Insert hyperlinks or drill down links to chart legend text.
  8. Additional Dial Chart Options - New options are available to improve the look and feel of dial charts.
  9. Overlay Chart Improvement - It is now possible to adjust the step intervals for different axes in Overlay Charts
  10. Separate Anti-alias for Chart and Text - In EC v5.4, the user has the option to set anti-alias for chart only.
  11. Set Color for Negative Top Label - Users now have the ability to set different colors for positive and negative value labels.
  12. Pie Chart Improvements - Users can now specify a threshold for pie sectors to highlight small slices in a special color.