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Quadbase Systems provides powerful Web-delivered and mobile enabled business intelligence reporting, charting, and dashboard tools to address new information needs. They allow users to easily develop and deliver interactive, actionable data visualization, reporting, and dashboards. From the simple output of application data, to enterprise scale reporting, KPI dashboards, ad-hoc query and analysis, Quadbase solutions are up to the task. 

EspressChart is the premier Java business intelligence charting software. Using the robust API and Chart Designer interfaces, users can easily generate many highly customizable charts that support a range of Statistical features...

EspressReport is a powerful Java business intelligence reporting engine. With a robust Java API and design, query, and scheduling tools, EspressReport offers a fully embeddable reporting component...

EspressDashboard (EDAB) allows organizations to build highly actionable, self-service, KPI dashboards that can be deployed in hours, not weeks or months, to the enterprise without any IT development overhead...

EspressReport ES (Enterprise Server) provides a powerful, centralized reporting architecture for enterprise information and delivery. With built-in report publishing, ad-hoc reporting and analysis, dashboards...


Hosted Services Overview

With the advent of Cloud Computing, organizations that do not have spare in-house IT resources or do not want to make capital investment up front, can now develop and deploy charting and BI dashboard functionality easily on-demand in the Cloud with hosted services provided by Quadbase. There is no software to install. Simply sign up, login, and you are in business.

Charting is provided by EspressChart Service as a free product while ERES Cloud is a subscription based offering that delivers the same great features as EspressReport ES.

Business Intelligence in the Cloud

You can now take your data visualization/data analysis to the cloud by expanding IT capability via the Internet instead of expanding infrastructure. Hence, leading to big savings on capital expenditure. There is no barrier to entry but tremendous reduction in up front cost. Monitor the key performance metrics of your organization, anytime, anywhere, on-the-go with ERES Cloud.


ERES Cloud


Product Features Matrix

                      EspressChart EspressReport EspressDashboard EspressReport ES
100% Pure Java

JDK 1.8 Compliant

Supports most major Java application servers

Design/Layout Features        
Over 30 different 2D and 3D chart types

Composite/combination charts

True 3D chart rendering

Advanced statistical features (trending, normal curves, histograms)

Free-form table layout


Built-in drill down

Advanced sub-report features supports multiple tables/charts from different data sources  


Over 85 built-in formulas plus API hooks for custom formulas  


Advanced internal scripting for template-based custom logic  


Display/Export Features        
Lightweight Java Applet Viewer

KPI Alert Watching    

Page Viewer Applet with high-performance page serving features  


Image Export (Charts: PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, SVG, WMF, SVG, Flash)

Image Map Generation

DHTML Export  

DHTML Viewer: interactive client filtering/sorting/grouping      

PDF Export

Excel Export (XLS and XLSX)  

Rich Text Export  

XML, CSV, text data dumps

API Features        
Chart API: robust Java API to run and manipulate charts


Report API: robust Java API to run and manipulate reports  


Schedule API: Java API hooks to generate and modify schedule jobs  


Menu API: server-side API for automatic report publishing and portal integration    

Query, Reporting, and Charting Interfaces        
Graphical query builder

Data View interfaces to build local views for ad-hoc queries

XML query builder

Chart Designer UI

Report Designer UI  


Organizer: server-side report publishing and collaborative development tool    

QuickDesigner: thin-client ad-hoc reporting tool    

Executive Dashboards        
Dashboard Builder: thin-client dashboard creation tool    

Automatic dashboard publishing    

Generate URL for seamless integration    

Interactive Maps        
Plot data on Google Maps, Drill-Down from Google Map markers    

SVG Maps - plot data on SVG images (blind maps, floor plans, seat plans etc.)    

Data Source Features        

XML data

Text file data

Java Object/Array data

EJB data

SOAP data (WSDL and SalesForce© Standards)

Data from Excel files

Parameterized queries

Custom API parameters


Cascading parameter prompts  


Run-time formula/script parameters  


Automatic data source synching/updating  


Server-Side Features        
Automatic report publishing via JSP portals or URL calls    

Report/Chart scheduling  


KPI alert monitoring    

Email schedule  


Email alert monitoring notifications delivery      

Printer schedule delivery      

FTP schedule/alert monitoring notifications delivery      

Report Bursting  


Report/Chart archiving/versioning      

Remote server administration    

Thin-client look and feel customization    

Clustering/load balancing support    

Security Features        
Cell level and page level security  


User/group permissions and access rights    

External/custom security model integration    

LDAP integration    

Secured Parameters for ad hoc reporting    

Data decryption