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Professional Services

Quadbase provides consulting and development services to bring machine learning, AI based applications and predictive analytics as a managed service to organizations that are short of adequate data science and IT resources. Forward thinking organizations are constantly looking for ways to eliminate operational bottlenecks, improve productivity, make better data driven decisions, lower costs and increase profits. Legacy applications will be modernized and deployed in the Cloud. Paper notes, Excel apps business, decisions based on guesswork and outdated BI tools will be a thing of the past. Repetitive mundane processes will be automated with AI. Customers and employees will have 24X7 response from chatbots.

With MCSA machine learning and Power Platform professionals on staff, our expertise include but not limited to  Microsoft AI platform, Azure ML, Microsoft R, Python, MS SQL Server, Databricks, Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents and Azure Cloud services. Our team works with your subject matter experts(SMEs) , business analysts and stake holders to understand your data, business requirements, pain points and propose design approaches, data models and where AI/ML can help improve your business performance. Benefits that organizations have experienced are:

  • Efficiency and productivity gains
  • Improved speed of business
  • New capabilities and business model expansion
  • Better customer service
  • Improved monitoring
  • Better quality and reduction of human error
  • Better talent management

For predictive analytics, the goal is to give you the optimized models for your predictive insights. When the models are deployed, you will be able to get alerts, reports, dashboards and various visual analytics on the data you collected continuously. We are on hand every step of the way to make sure you get the results that you desire. Learn More

Visual Analytics, Reporting Consulting

One of the benefits of using a third party reporting or charting product is the ability to deploy your solution quickly.  Our consulting services help you to easily realize this benefit.  Whether you need help deploying Quadbase products, designing report, chart, or map templates, or integrating dynamic reports, charts, or maps within your application framework, we can help the process move forward quickly.

Our project team handles scoping, development, and testing.  We have extensive expertise in the area of Java development, including experience with servlets, JSPs, Swing interfaces, EJB, and JDBC.  Customers can bring Quadbase personnel on-site to oversee implementation and deployment.


Custom Development

At Quadbase, we strive to engineer our products to meet as wide a range of customer demand as possible.  Our extensive feature sets can easily meet most charting or reporting requirements.  However, some customers do have unique feature or customization requirements that cannot be met out of the box.

For these situations, Quadbase offers custom development.  Our team will work closely with you to determine your requirements and can generally engineer any custom feature in a relatively short time, allowing our solutions to be tailored to your business' specific needs.

Designed to help jump-start your reporting or charting implementation, we can build a custom program of consulting, development, and training that allows you to maximize the benefits of your EspressReport/EspressChart solution.

Our team has extensive expertise in areas from Java development to chart and report design.  To engage Quadbase Professional Services, or for more information, please contact our sales department. Specific contact information can be found in the Company | About Us section.  Services are generally billed on a time & materials basis.